Two paramedics joined us today to show the cubs all about the do's and don'ts of First Aid.

Here they are using their belts..
here scarves are being used..
.. and here a combination of both ..
but most of them seemed to work..
but we did have one accident!!
Taryn and Phil went through all the requirements and here they are showing the cubs the "recovery position"
"leg up, stop laughing - you are supposed to be unconscious!"

Even Rikki had a go!
Oh dear - 1 broken arm..

There are many uses for our scarf!

it was then time to see who had collected the most "funny money". This was for our competition among the Sixers. With this money we will be buying mosquito nets for the children of Africa. These cost $10 each and we are hoping to be able to buy around 10 nets.

* how to treat burns
* how to take out a sting
* the recovery position
* how to open an airway
* how to splint an arm
* triangular bandage
and hopefully the cubs are a little wiser.

If anyone would like to look at what we at 9th Benoni Cub Scouts are doing - go to "Bite Back" for more details.
The air was charged with excitement as the cubs were busily counting their hard-saved cash... and in the end it was BLUE SIX who won!
So off to movies they will go on Saturday 18th September.
Well Done to you all and thanks to everyone for generously donating.
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