The age of the DINOSAUR

The CI is the leader of the "dinosaur herd" and cubs must follow his lead - doing this and doing that!

Cubs each had a magazine and cut out pictures to make their own Outdoor Code poster.

Let's see if we can find our own Dinosaur!

Relay Game:
Each Six is given dog biscuits shaped as bones and they each need to see if they can throw them accurately into a tin which is placed about 5 foot away.

In teams, they need to find 10 cards with different Dinosaurs printed on them. When they have them all they are to return to base.

"a collection of cubs" !!
The Caracal group have already done "how to behave during flagbreak" and because we had a few new guys, I thought we could just play a game on how to fold the flag.
These young guys are very clever and picked it up with no problem.

The Cheetahs did Time

In the age of the Dinosaur, we also used to have Cavemen! Which one of you is the Caveman?

Dinosaur, Dinorsaur, Caveman
Cubs sit in a circle and one cub is on. He walks around the circle tapping others on head saying "dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur ...... and chooses a caveman" who will jump up and run after him. If the original cub who is on returns to his seat, he is safe; if caught, he will sit in the middle.
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