Wow! what a "fright"fully fantastic Halloween Sleepover!

1st place - Lara with the sheet, spider and pumpkin head
2nd place - dracular himself
3rd place - Harry Potter
Whoooooo has gone missing!
Steam Release: Ghost Grab
One cub is taken out and hidden away. Other cubs run around and find which cub the ghost has grabbed!
Look at all those witches over there - they must have had something to do with our cub going missing .... but I see they are also missing something!
Do you know that when the deat float about they lose body parts -- oh, look, there goes some eyeballs!

Parts keep falling off - look, someone over there has lost his brain - let's go look and find it!
CIRCLE GAME: The wonder brain
(our little actor!)

Our Instruction carried on as normal - here the Lions were writing a message for Baloo who is in hospital.
S w w w i i i s s s h h h - there's goes a grin - let's quickly pin the grin back onto the pumpkin!
Pin the Grin 

Supper consisted on lovely sandwiches made by some of the parents, some chips, juice and 2 sweets.... all packed in little parcels for each cub.
Some lovely outfits and even a Halloween Teddy!
This young lady had the most exquite dress on - especially made by her mom for the occasion!
Take a look at those gloves...
When we arrived at this base, all you saw was a box on the table. The PL told the cubs it was a Kim's Game with 20 items to remember ..... well, when he lifted the box the "clown" screamed .... and so did the cubs!

TEAM GAME: Witch's Hat Ring-Toss
Divide cubs into 2 teams. Take 2 witches hats and place at a challenging distance from the throw line. Kids must try and toss the most rings around the hat.

RELAY GAME: Eyeball Bounce
Decorate ping-pong balls with eyes. In relay formation let the cubs see how many they can throw into a bucket or cup.

CRAFT: Facepainting
Cubs pair up and paint each other's face.

CIRCLE GAME: The wonder brain
Cubs in a circle and pass the "brain" around. One cub starts the game and walks around the circle - he drops the brain behind a fellow cub who must pick it up and chase the first cub. If caught, the first cub sits in the middle, if not caught and he manages to get back to his place, the 2nd cub runs around and drops the brain at the back of a fellow cub.

(made from wet toilet paper and a few drops of colouring - very "squishy")

Pin the Grin
Cubs are blindfolded and have to try and pin the grin back onto the pumpkin - prizes for the cubs who do.

Take a look at those gloves...
We are very lucky to have Arrowe Park right next door to us and the Patrol Leaders had set up a few scary bases.
Just walking in the dark was enough to scare some of the cubs.....

Take a close look at the expressions on the faces of the cubs!!

These were surgical gloves with glow sticks inside - frozen... they really looked stunning but the photo does not do them justice at all.

Cubs were also given a glow stick bracelet to wear. .... an easy way to find all the cubs in the dark.
Cubs here had to make their own ghost - wetish toilet paper and the cubs draw a face on it...
This base was hysterical. The PL was dressed up as a nurse and had a HUGE syringe in his hand which all the cubs could see. He was based in the kitchen which had 2 doors. He would come around the one side shouting "whose next" and decide which cub to take with him for THE INJECTION!
The cubs also enjoyed this base .... where they had to close their eyes and feel all squishy stuff - like worms in cooked spaghetti (brains).... mouse, (liver) and so it went on and on...

Of course the cubs were frightened but I can't believe they actually followed him. When inside the PL just said, "on the count of 3, scream your loudest" and everyone in the kitchen screamed giving the impression that the cub was getting the injection. The cub then received a small syringe of condense-milk (a favourite of small children). The exited out another door so the cubs waiting in line could not see them .....

All good fun.
We then walked back to the hall and watched "The nightmare before Christmas" before going to sleep ..... Sleep - did I say sleep? yes at about 0h30 and up again at 05h30....
But what a wonderful and enjoyable evening.... it only gets better and better each year.
Thanks to all the parents who assisted us and to all the scouters and patrol leaders - without your help this would not have been the great success it turned out to be.
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy
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