It was our AGM and Prize-Giving tonight but first we had an enjoyable afternoon with Mary Poppins!

GAME: Finding a cheerful nanny
Pictures of nannies are hidden all over the playing field but only 1 is Mary Poppins. Everone finds 1 nanny and they ask Akela if theirs is the perfect nanny!

... and of course when the wind changed, in flew the cheerful nanny - none other than Mary Poppins herself. She was such a fun nanny to have around and she would take Michael and Jane to the fairground and let them eat lots of candy but best of all she took them to the races!
TEAM GAME: Horsing Around
Cubs in Teams and on the throw of the dice each team moves forward however many score on the dice.

The Caracals learnt all about how to wash their hands properly - next week being National Hand Washing Week.
From one bit of fun to the next..
SINGING: Supercalifragilistixexpialidocious
Mary Poppins even brough along her magic bag - the very same one that had all those wonderful magic items inside - do you remember?
SENSE TRAINING GAME: Cubs were divided into 3 and each team formed a circle. Each circle was handed a bag filled with special "Mary Poppins" items. Cubs had to close their eyes and feel, passing the bag around the circle. Once everyone had felt the items, Akela gave each team a chance to name 1 item - if they got it right they got a point - until all items had been named.

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