Our District Gala was held last week Saturday at one of the local swimming pools.
We had a great turn out - thanks to all the cubs and parents who spent the morning at the pool.
This was one of the 'tube races' where 3 cubs push a 4th cubs across the pool in a huge tube!
Close up of a young cub having fun!
"I feel very relaxed here" ...... looking very much at ease whilst being pushed across the pool!
This was the novelty race whereby the cub had to put on antlers and a red nose, jump in the pool and collect "santa's presents" and load them onto the kicker board.
Doing pretty well in collecting all of Santa's lost presents!
Excellent work - found them all!
All in all the day went off very well with all the cubs taking part and enjoying themselves.
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy