Today we learnt about another hero - Mahatma Gandhi ..... but we had some other heroes in our midst.
We are thrilled to have invested 5 Pack Helpers today - and wish them all the best - their journey has just begun! Fun, adventure, friendship awaits them all.
Our Steam Release game had the cubs running around the playing field looking for words that were called out.... these were colour coded so each cub had to find the correct colour as well as the correct word before the next word was called out.
These were hidden all over the playing area.
After instruction for each section, we went into a relay game where each cub had to take instruction from the rest of his six as to what directions to take to find his ball.
It was hilarious as instructions were given, left, right and the ball was right there and she just happened to miss it each and every time she moved her hand.... had us in stitches!
A quick yarn about the life of Ghandi and what he stood for was given to the cubs.
Our two new Cub Instructors
Friends come to visit
Next we played "red light, green light" where the leader moves a distance ahead and turns around (back to cubs) - he then calls green light and the cubs move toward him..... when he calls red light, the leader turns around and any cub caught moving is out!
The aim is to catch the cubs moving so as to reduce the numbers....
It was then time to move on to our craft for the week and we made Gandhi's Glasses....
Simple and easy to make with pipecleaners.
A different way to water a plant - using a coke bottle
A racing car from a tin
A bottle garden
A plant in a tin
A beautiful gift for someone - taking an old coffee tin - redecorating it and fill it with rusks
Tin which has been decorated and a pansy planed
A coke bottle with a plant in it
Animal using an egg carton
A book end and basket from a milk carton
Special paper made from dung
A tin beautifully decorated that can be used as a pencil holder
A medicine container that has been covered with pipe cleaners that is now a toy (apologies for bad photo!)
A tin that is now a money box
A margarine tub which is a plant holder
Mother's day gift - transformed from an old tin
Bird feeder from a milk bottle
Cute little man from a toilet roll inner
A coke bottle transformed into an Easter Bunny special craft
An egg carton making a crocodile - lovely idea for the Jungle Book character!
This idea was phenomenal as well. Joseph had taken his plastic jar and had made an eco-aquarium - unfortunately it is not so clear here but inside the jar he has two fish swimming around, a star fish and the bottom of the ocean made up of small, rolled up balls of paper.... On the outside of the jar he personally had typed out details about this recycling item.
A tin making a lantern - lovely idea
Using a milk bottle - these can be used as part of a game throwing a ball to a friend.
He chose a piece of polystyrene - and just look what he came up with.... he coloured the outside black and white and this is his "Blackberry" holder - amazing!
A plastic jar decorated beautifully...
Thanks to Rikki for encouraging all our cubs to recycle - and a big thank you to all our cubs for producing such outstanding work - we are so proud of you all.
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy