Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kon-Tiki and Beaver Challenge April 2013

Saturday morning at 11h00 saw the start of Kon-Tiki 2013.  And Kon-Tiki would not be the authentic Kon-Tiki if it didn't rain!  Just as the opening ceremony began, so the heavens opened and poured with rain!  

 11h30 sharp the flare was ignited indicating the start of the competition and the rafts could start launching.
 These are some of the many rafts that joined in the competition.
 I heard that there could  have been up to 52 rafts on the water.

Kon-Tiki is a Scouting event for the whole weekend but a Beaver Challenge is held on the Saturday morning for the Cubs to enjoy
 Each Troop/Pack  - if able - sets up a Beaver Challenge related to the theme of the event.
This year the theme was Wild, Wild West..... so here the Cubs are panning for gold!
 Can-can dancing - this was hilarious!

 This was the target!
 .... and the Cubs had to blow-dart the balloons on the cactus!
 ....wild west races
 .... and a fight broke out outside the saloon!
(water pistols - which of course the cubs love ... and got sopping wet!)
 ..... some more "fighting" outside the saloon!

 Cubs doing part of the secret code interest badge at the one base

 .... more pistol shooting
 ..... panning for tons of gold - and afterwards receiving the gold in chocolate coin format!
 .... more serious pistol shooting ... (paintball gun shooting at targets)
 This was a great and easy base.  Tripods set up with a huge "elastic band".. The cubs had wet sponges to shoot at the target - which were cubs/scouts from that group!  Lots of fun! 
 The Rovers set up a Challenge Base as well for the Scouts.... this is slack-lining which is not very easy when you try it the first time!  These two Rovers though, are experts!
 Trying out the Slack-lining for the first time!
 Another great base - bronco riding!
Raft launching

Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kontiki and Beaver Challenge

It's Kon-Tiki  and that means it is time for the Beaver Challenge!
 Can't wait to see what the Wild, Wild West brings us this year!

Akela Joy