Monday, April 21, 2008


Hooray! .... we are back with some more great cubbing adventures.

Our first programme started off as everyone beginning the journey as pirates .... and what do pirates do best - steal each others treasure.
Our steam release game was one where each team had to guard their own treasure while trying to steal the opponent's treasure. You can just imagine what bedlam it was!
Here are a few of the cubs with their 'treasure pots'
What would a pirate be without the proper gear. Each cub made his own pirate hat and also an eye patch.

A lovely Cub grin for all!

This is my sister who came through from Nelspruit to be with us all for my son's Springbok Scout Award presentation later in the evening.

Crafting Cubs

.... and the finished product!

Some precious pirates!
Next week we have another great programme lined up. The weather has turned rather chilly here in South Africa but nonetheless we still have enormous fun, fun, fun!

My son Luke has finally finished his Springbok Scouting Badge. This took a lot of hard work, dedication from both mom and son! Here Luke is presenting Akela Joy with her Springbok brooch!

Each Springbok Scout at 9th Benoni get a springbok trophy - here Luke is being presented his by the Group Scouter ...... "to be sewn on the right sleeve" !!!


Mom and Dad with Luke
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

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