Tuesday, April 27, 2010

World of the Bubblegum Boytjie - 23 April 2010

Last Friday I was away at our National Pow Wow - held in Port Elizabeth - so the 3 APS's ran the pack meeting which looked like a great deal of fun!
The theme for this term is "Bubblegum on my Boots"!

The first game being a mix and match whereby each cub is given 1 bubblegum wrapper and needs to run around and match it up with one that has been hidden in the grounds.

The next quick activity was each Six had to nominate 1 cub who they thought could blow the biggest bubble - give a bone or 1 point.

Into instruction and the Caracals made beautiful nature collages with all the material they had collected last week.

Whilst the Cheetahs were about to learn about the Round Turn and 2 half hitches.

The Lions however, learnt all their woodcraft signs (below) and then laid and followed a trail.

.... getting ready to blow that bubble ....

The cubs played a compass revision game. North was pointed out to the cubs and whilst the story was being told, if a compass point was mentioned the cubs had to run to that position.
Each cub made a delightful bubblegum monster (junkcraft) to take home.

... ever so sweet ....
Photos of Pow Wow will be on the blog shortly.
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

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