Friday, June 14, 2013

Pappa Animals - 9th Benoni - 14th June 2013

Today we are going to be honouring our Fathers
 Some of the silliest games we play are with our fathers.

 In the animal kingdom and in our homes, Dad's have a lot to teach us...
 Things can get a little out of hand when mom's away and dad is in charge!

 Let's show dad how much we love him..

 and before we knew it, it was time to say good bye to 7 of our cub scouts who were going up to scouts...

 Re-affirming their Promise

 Introducing them to the Troop

 It was also time to say goodbye to the Troop Scouters - Veronique and Peter.
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    My name is Wilbur and I am the mascot from Mawson Lakes Cub Pack in South Australia.

    I came across your blog and thought I would say how interesting it looks.

    I have my own blog as well which records all my scouting adventures with Akela Sarah. Link is below.
