Continuing with our theme of Creepy Crawlies, we went in search of Ants this week.
This week we had the opportunity for a visitor who chatted to the Cubs about metal detection. The cubs were absolutely enthralled....
We took them on a walk through Arrowe Park and found huge "cub treasure" - bottle tops, scrap metal and even an old 1965 R0.02c piece.
We ventured further afield with our magnifying glasses to see what other treasures were in store...
Lots of small creatures were about.
Here, cubs went off in little groups with a piece of string. Making a circle with their string, cubs had to see how many little creatures they could find. This group were astounded by how many there were!
And finally, "passing the pests". Cubs had to pick up a "pest" with a straw and pass it on to the cub on the right hand side of him and then stand up when his plate was empty. This was hilarious because as soon as a cub's plate was empty the cub next to him quickly saw that another "pest" was present!Until next weekKeep CubbingAkela Joy
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