Saturday, March 02, 2013

Lost in the Jungle with my buddy - 1st March

..... and another investiture at 1st Kempton....
 the Pack continues to grow in leaps and bounds!

Steam Release:   The jungle has so many trees - we have just done an emergency landing..... see how many trees you can find!
 Relay Game:  We have come to a river that we need to cross - in Sixers let us see who can cross first.

 Team Game:  Can you hear all those animals - let us see you find your match
 Cubs are given cards with animal names on them and have to find their partners.
 A jungle would not be a jungle without mosquitos!
 Divide the cubs into two groups with enough paper balls for each group.  These they throw at the other group - trying to kill the mosquitos

 Oh dear our buddy has fallen down the cliff - let us rescue him.
 The younger cubs learnt the reef know whilst the older cubs learnt the bowline

 Hand craft:  Cubs were given a "quackie" on all the knots they had to know.

 This will help them revise each time

 We have found our buddy!  We do not want to leave him behind!
 Cubs play 3-legged race
Another successful meeting at 1st Kempton.
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

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