As part of our National Cub Challenge, we need to find an item that has been recycled, sell it to generate a profit and then use the money for a worthy cause. Our cubs collected tins which were painted and a photo of each cub was pasted onto the tin and sold back to the parents.
This generated a fair profit which will go towards badges for an under-priviledges cub pack.
Of course the cubs thought these were just wonderful!
This Sunday, here in South Africa, we celebrate Mother's Day. The cubs had already made their Mother's Day gift and we thought it would be fitting to invite the moms for tea - which is made by the cubs themselves. We had a guest speaker who spoke to the ladies on alternative healing and the importance of cooking with love.
There were spot prizes to be won as well as the lucky mom who won arelaxing reflexology session.
One of our Girl Cubs making tea for her mom.
Our Steam Release game was quick and fun. Picture of flowers were placed around the playing field and each cub was then given a picture of a mom. The cub then had to run around outside and choose a suitable bouquet for his or her mom. (This could be done with fresh flowers as well).
Another great week of cubbing - and next week we will tackle the National Cub Challenge programme on recycling.Till then,Keep CubbingAkela JoyFind out how to do this craft ....go toCrafts for Creative Hands
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