Sunday, March 15, 2009

Outstanding Octopus - 13th march 2009

The cubs learnt more about the octopus and other animals that used 'squirting as a defence mechanism.
Octupus has 8 legs - right? So our steam release game was this wonderful run-around.

4 cubs link arms, back to back and run around to get the hang of all these legs!

Line them up and race from one spot to another!

The cheetahs learnt all about telling the time.

The Lions did some sensory work.....

... while the Leopards learnt about Living with Nature.

Our Kontiki Flags!

Our Leaping Wolves did some Woodcraft Trails

We made this cute little guy....

For the template you can go to

and download it.

..... and of course we needed to see which octopus could swim the fastest!

The cubs learnt that there were quite a few animals that used squirting as a defense mechanism including the Horned Lizard.

He holds his breath that his blood pressure rises and blood squirts out of his eyes!

The cubs had fun imitating the Horned Lizard and Ocotpus by making their very own defense mechanisms.

Take a 500ml cold drink bottle.

Add 350 ml water

2ml of Enos (which is wrapped in a tissure)

When you are ready to use, place Enos into bottle, place cork on top, shake gently and within a second or two the cork will go flying!

This can also be done with vinegar and baking soda - in the correct proportions.

fun - fun - fun

Our new chums

A simple reply game.

Dolphin Swim.

We took a picture out of a magazine - this could be of a dolphin or a fish - and used a paper plate and the cubs had to get the "dolphin" to the other side ...

Some more octopus races.

Rikki, our APS has a keen interest in collecting war items.

The he collected over a couple of years.

Absolutely magnificent.

Till next Time

Keep Cubbing

Akela Joy


  1. Hi Joy
    Thanks for this. It gives us an opportunity to see our kids in action, which we would ordinarily NEVER get to see.

    Thanks also for all your hard work.
    The Montalbano's

  2. Thank you Yvette for your kind words. A lot of hard work goes into each programme in order that our cubs have a fantastic time learning whilst having great fun!

    Take care
    Akela Joy
