Monday, May 25, 2009

District Sixer Council

On Saturday 23rd May, we held a District Sixer Council - and magic was the theme!

It was pure magic! .... and attendace was excellent.

A couple of the cubs having fun before the Sixer Council Meeting started!
A peaceful moment to reflect.

our beautiful Arrowe Park
As an ice-breaker and steam release we took playing cards and cut them in half. These could either be matched up in pairs (King of hearts with the other half of the King of hearts) but we did it in suits. So 6 x Kings got together to form a Six and the 2 of Diamonds all got together to form their Six.
but to start with, these cards were scattered around the playing field!

We opened with approximately 40 cubs from different packs in the district

all looking smart

We needed to explain to the Sixers and Seconds what their duties and responsibilities are - and there is no better way than in a game.

In relay formation, cubs were given a piece of paper with a statement on it.
A Sixer must set a good example (true or false)
We must always fib to get our own way (true or false)
Bribery works best (true or false)
Help Akela at all times (true or false)

These are then put into the correct pile

Akela Jenny going over all the answers with the cubs - just to make sure everyone knows their duties.
At the end of the meeting we received some wonderful ideas for games, hikes, programme themes etc for the new term from the cubs, that hopefully we can implement as some stage.

This is Cameron the Magician.

He is 13 years old and a truly marvellous magician.

He entertained both cubs and leaders alike - a truly stunning show!

Well done!
A magic show would not be complete without balloon animals

What do you call a bunch of leaders?

Thank you Cameron - you wowed us with your wonder!

Sixers and Seconds then tucked into some magical eats and drinks before leaving at 12 noon after a very successful District Sixer Council Meeting.
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

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