Friday, September 18, 2009

Spring Fever - 18th September 2009

The Sixers and Seconds joined me a little earlier today for our Sixer Council meeting.

Plenty of ideas and suggestions were forthcoming and we will use some of these in our programme planning for next term!
Today's meeting was a fun meeting being the end of the school term and we played a great game the cubs all enjoyed.
In Sixes cubs line up, and on the whistle run foward to blow up a balloon. Once blown up they must sit on it to pop and then race back when the next cub has his turn.

Great fun!
.... and we played this a few times!
Our little ones wrote a letter to be sent to a cub in a different pack somewhere in the world....

whilst the older cubs learnt some knots...
.... and of course growing things and making mulch is also very important.

Learning how to light a match is important and this was another quick game we played.
Cubs had to light the match correctly, light a small candle, blow it out and race back for the next cub to have a turn.

We have had quite a few of our cubs complete their Leaping Wolf and we are extremely proud of them - well done!
Luke has also completed his Naturalist Interest Badge.

We will see you all again on the 9th October - Happy Holidays!

Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

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