Saturday, March 06, 2010

Kontiki - Murray Park Springs - 6th March 2010

Kontiki 2010 - Road to El Dorado!
What a magnificent day at Kontiki where most of the troops had a Beaver Challenge activity.
Ours was aptly named
"Find the Mayan Millions"
and cubs arrive and entered through this special gateway afterwhich they had to dig for gold.
Upon finding their treasure, it was taken over to the next table and threaded onto a thong. Away they went with their magnificent mayan million dollar necklace!!

Our gateway was adorned by shrunken heads (we did threaten to help shrink a few heads), ivy, posters and lots of scary creatures!

Finding those millions!

His necklace on a thong.

A bunch of eagles...


I think we must have had close on 400 "customers" at our base today!

So this was our base.... Below are the other bases that I saw as we walked around..

Cubs love this one.... elasticated rope is tied all over the place and the cubs must get from one end to the other!

The cubs loved this base!

4th Benoni watching the raft launch.
(Rafts are shown at the end of the blog)
Each team wears a different T-Shirt.
Sharon (Raksha) and myself had a picture of the backside (!) of our T-Shirts to show you the beautiful design.

The entrance gate to 1st Blairgowrie.

Cubs having fun at another Beaver Challenge.

Our local TV station was also there and here is the camera-man and presenter talking "Scouting"

The producer was telling the presenter what the next question was ....

I must say, they all did exceptionally well....

another Beaver Challenge ---- slippy slide ..

This is at our Sixer Challenge. I wanted to show you all the fabulous pioneered camp table that 9th Benoni put together. This is ENORMOUS....

Another challenge

and some more...

... and more still..

Each year a STA (Spare Time Activity has to be completed).... so while the parents are sitting around doing nothing (you know we all sit around and do nothing - hey?) they do these activities.
This year the requirements were to make a map of El Dorado out of natural items.
Make an idol .... and there were 2 others as well.... sorry, can't remember them off hand!
Above is one of their submissions and below is their map. Just look at the detail in this!
I also saw a cake of soap being carved!
Every group participates and this all get judged.

And here start some of the rafts that were on the dam...
I did not manage to get them all.

Rescue Boats.

(not sure why some of the pictures are the wrong way round!!)

Each Troop will nominate a Raft Leader. One of his/her tasks is to build a model of the raft they will put onto the water. It has to be to scale and be an exact replica.

What a wonderful day - met lots of scouting friends and just had good fun!
Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy
PS.... remember to leave a comment to let me know you have stopped by for a visit!


  1. Hi, I really enjoyed your photos. Looks interesting. I like the rude shrunken heads hanging from the cable with their tongues sticking out. How did you make that craft?


  2. Hi Akela Joy,
    Really enjoyed your blog. Very inspiring.
    The pics were great and your Beaver challenge looked VERY interesting. Corky. Parkmore Group

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM


  4. you and those boys had a really magnificent day in Kontiki. I was a boy scout when I was a kid and I had a hell of a time, but I grew up and I have to work. By the way my little kid is a boy scout as well

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  6. I would like that my children will participate in similar outdoor recreational activities. I really like the photo of the river , it looks slowly and safely!!
