Friday, May 20, 2011

Meeting the Aliens - 20th May 2011

Did you hear, the A L I E N S have landed at 9th Benoni!!!

Steam Release: - Who is the Alien

Cubs take their scarf and put into the back of their pants. Cub run around and try and pull out the scarf from other cubs pants. The last cub running around with a scarf, is the alien.

Are u the Alien?

Instruction Time and we did some knotting .....

Compass Work ....

... and more compass work....

whilst the Caracals did a nature walk and make a lovely collage with the items they found.

A beautiful artistic creation made out of leaves.

... a little boy ....

Aliens are always full of green goo and are slimely ... it was time to wash them clean!

TEAM GAME: Wishy Washy

Cubs stand in their Sixes. 1 bucket of water, 2 cups and a coke bottle per six.

First Cubs throws the water to a waiting cub who must catch as much of the water as possible and store in the coke bottle. Winner is the person who has the most water at the end.

fun, fun, fun

... and who is the winner ...

Washing off the aliens has really made it smell around here - can you identify all those funny smells?

Smells are put into "spaceships" and cubs can smell each item... they must later identify each one.

Smells identified - aliens happy - cubs hyperactive!

9th Benoni did very well in the 2010 Star Pack Evaluation - obtaining a GOLD STAR!

Congratulations and Thank You to all who made this possible.

Till next Time

Keep Cubbing

Akela Joy

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