Friday, June 03, 2011

Last Term's Lunch Box - 3rd June 2011

It was a freezing day on the Highveld - but we braved the cold with the cubs and had F-U-N!

There are all sorts of diseases around us, everyone is carrying their own special germs. Careful you don't catch something....
Steam Release Game: Touches

Germs breed in many places and one of their favourite places is in LAST TERM'S LUNCH BOX! still buried in the bottom of your school bag. Juwt what will we find there.....

Kim's Games: A number of "squishy" items are passed around for cubs to feel which they need to identify afterwards.

(and in between this there is always time to get up to mischief!)

or meditate

Perhpas because they are blindfolded, they don't think that we can see them getting up to mischief!!!

We had to call on our wonderful parents to help us out with Instruction this week.

We are very "short staffed" and are in desperate need of leaders to join us....

Teaching Time

The little ones made special greeting cards for dads.

some did knotting...

Oh!, you will never gues what we found at the very bottom of the suitcase! These very smelly socks - they must have been hiding there for a really long time....

GAME: 3 legged race.

Sometimes though our mistakes lead to wonderful discoveries....

YARN: Simple yarn about Madam Curie and the discovery of penicillin.

We also quickly went over "healthy living"

To start feeling better we decided to make some lovely roses.

mmm - they do smell good!

Penicillin is normally injected by needle.

GAME: Drop the Toothpick

In relay formation, cubs run up and in an upright position see if they can drop the toothpick into a coke bottle.

So if you don't want to end up in hospital, remember to empty your lunch box every day!

Till next Time

Keep Cubbing

Akela Joy

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