Monday, August 06, 2012

Cub Warrant Course - Gilwell August 2012

What tremendous fun we had on the Cub Warrant Training Course held at Gilwell Florida over the weekend. Our theme was "Gulliver's Travels"
We had a full course of 28 participants divided up into 4 groups.
Being from the land of Lilliput, participants had to construct their own "tiny" village from materials provided. We were astounded at the results!
Just look at the perfect trees.....
and the campfire circle.

a river runneth through it
the palace itself
the track at the Olympic Stadium
golden bridge - but just look at the detail
Not a lot of photos were taken - on of the Lilliput Village and the Fun Obstacle Course as the "tunnel of terror" material had been donated and the supplier wanted to see what we were using it for!
Base 1: Walk 5 steps with a plate on your head and back again. Place plate in original position.
Base 2: Blow up a balloon and tie it.

Then sit on it to pop it!

Base 3: Let's twist again - do the hoola hoop 5 times

Base 4: Throw the ball into the bucket. This was easier said than done!
Base 5: Pick up a card and do the action - which were
Hop on your right leg five times
Do ten jumping jacks
Jump up and down 5 times
Turn around to your right 5 times

Base 6: Tip-toe through the ladder rungs without touching

Base 7: Walk backwards on the plank
and the most fun base was at base 8 - sliding through the tunnel!
Everyone enjoyed this activity - being cubs again and just having loads of fun - put together with special friendships made along the way.
..... and then even the leaders decided to give it a go!!

Till next Time
Keep Cubbing
Akela Joy

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